Format Your Ingredients For the Ingredient Text Box

It's easy to format your ingredient list to have it ready to drop into our Ingredient Text Box

This step is important to ensure that the ClearForMe platform will accurately split up ingredients and map them to a definition, without you having to take any action.

Formatting before adding the ingredients will save you SO much time overall.


This formatting can be used whether you are adding a brand new product, adding a new component within an existing product, or replacing/editing ingredients within an existing component.


Here's how to format your ingredients to add them into our Ingredient Text Box...

Step 1:

Obtain the ingredient list for the product.


Step 2:

Format the ingredient list so that any specialty characters are at the end of the ingredient name, for example: aloe vera*, stearic acid†

  • This will help the ClearForMe platform recognize the specialty character and add it to the, "Specialty Text" field. 

Step 3:

Format the ingredient names into a paragraph.

  • Each ingredient name must end with a comma and a space
    • Ensuring there is a comma and a space at the end of an ingredient name will tell the ClearForMe platform to separate each ingredient for you automatically


Step 4:

Populate the Ingredient Text Box with the formatted ingredients and click "Generate Preview".


Step 5: Review the ingredients entered in the text box and click "Save". 

Open the newly added ingredient list.
  • Scroll through the list to ensure that all the ingredients are properly separated


The ingredient list will be auto saved.

  • Please Note: If you make any other edits to individual ingredients or product details, be sure to save with the, "Save Ingredient" or "Save Product Details" buttons

You are all set! 


~ ClearForMe Recommended Article ~ Product Editing