Initial Steps
When first beginning to edit a product, complete the following:
- Enter the URL:
- Enter your login credentials from ClearForMe team
- Click “Login”!
- Click the search “Products” tab on the left side of the window, or click on the "My products" box.
You will be brought to the following page:
Here, you will be shown a list of your brand’s products we have in our platform. You can review the following information:
SKU active- Refers to whether or not the SKU is active in our API. If the SKU is active, it will call on our API and therefore display the ingredient information. If it is not active, it will not.
SKU or “Add Inventory” button- Here, the product’s SKU or the “Add Inventory” button will be displayed. The SKU will always be listed here unless the product has not yet been added to our inventory. To add to inventory, simply click on the “Add Inventory” button and enter the SKU.
UPC- View the product’s UPC. If you click on the UPC here, it will bring you to that specific product’s details.
Brand- View the brand that the product belongs to
Product Name- The product name will appear here
Search and Select a Product To Edit
Searching for a specific product will be extremely helpful if your brand has a high number of products in inventory. It will be more efficient to search, than to scroll through a long list of products!
Please note: Searching for the product may not be necessary if all products appear initially in the window. You can select a product to edit at any point by simply clicking on the UPC.
There are a few ways to search for the product you would like to edit:
Searching for the product by its UPC (GTIN/ EAN)
- To search using the product UPC, enter the UPC into the search bar.
Brand and Product Name. In this example, we will select the product “BEA TEST” and click on its UPC, “beatest”.
Searching for the product by its product name.
- To search using the product name, enter the product name into the search bar.
Brand and Product Name. In this example, we will again select the “BEA TEST” and click on its UPC, “Beatest”.
Searching for a product by filtering.
- At the top of the page, you will see a filter icon. To access filters, simply click on the icon.
This will open up a smaller window where you can filter through your products based off of a product attribute, or its functions. You can also filter for products that include or exclude certain ingredients.
In this example, we will search for a product by filtering to include the ingredient “Gylcerin”.
1. Enter the ingredient name, Tocopherol, into the “Include” field under Ingredients.2. Click “Apply Filter”
Because the Moisturizer contains this ingredient, the product will appear.
Editing A Product
Product Page Overview
Once you select the product you would like to edit (as done in the “Search and Select A Product to Edit” section), you will be brought to the Product Page.
Your Product Page includes all information needed about that specific product. Starting at the top of the page from left to right, you will see the sections “Product Details” to input the title, UPC and MSRP, “Product Attributes” to add and edit any properties, and “Additional Details” where you can specify any extra details about the product.
You will also see the button “Save Product Details” under the “Additional Details” section. The “Save Product Details” button will enable the user to save the changes/ edits made in the “Product Details”, “Product Attributes”, and “Additional Details” sections. The “Save Product Details” button will not save any changes/ edits made to product ingredients and/or components.
As you make your way to the middle of the page, on the left you will see what components are in the product and their ingredients. On the right you can view the ingredient definitions, any special characters, and the ingredient attributes and functions.
You will also see the “Save Ingredient” button at the top right of the ingredients column. Clicking this button will save any changes you made to an ingredient.
Editing an Ingredient
- Click on the ingredient you want to edit. In this example, we will choose to edit the ingredient dipropylene glycol.
Here, you can edit the ingredient name, assign a special character to the ingredient, and edit the ingredient attributes.
Editing an Ingredient Name
- To edit the ingredient name, click on the ingredient name in the right column.
- Click the “Save Ingredient” button, to save your changes.
Editing a Special Character
- To assign a special character, (ex: * to signify organic), click in the “Assign a Special Character” box. Here, you will only enter the special character, “*”.
- To show what the character signifies, select the appropriate attribute below in the
“Attributes” section.
To remove an ingredient attribute, simply unclick the box.
the “Save Ingredient” button at the top right of the column.
Editing an Ingredient function
There may be a case where an ingredient can be used for many different functions, some of which may not apply to your brand's use of the ingredient.
Editing an ingredient function allows Clickable Ingredients brands to display to their consumers what the ingredients purpose is for the product.
What is a function?
A function explains to users what an ingredient is specifically used for in a product.
How to edit a function
1. Click the ingredient you would like to add a function to. In this case we will be using “Trehalose”.
2. Scroll down to the righthand side of the page until you see “attributes and functions”.
Here you will see the function(s) the specific ingredient is used for.
3. Under “Brand selected functions” click the dropdown button to select the functions that you would like to display on your PDP.
For this example we will be using “Skin Conditioning” as our function.
4. Once you have selected the function you would like to use for the ingredient, scroll to the top of the ingredient page and click “Save Ingredient”.
You will receive a message that the ingredient was successfully updated.
Great work! You have successfully edited an ingredient function.
Editing or Adding Additional Details
If your product’s associated attribute is not listed under “Attributes”, or if you want to add any specific details about the product, go to the additional details section at the top right of the page. You can do this by double clicking on the “Additional Details” box and inputting the required information.
To save, click the “Save Product Details” under the “Additional Details” box. The user can go back at any time to edit the Additional Details by double clicking on the box.
Adding a New Component
There may be a case in which you would like to add a new component to create a set or bundle. This is when adding a new component will be helpful.
What is a component?
A component is a way to organize your ingredients within a product. Every product consists of at least one component.
Multi-Component Example: A bundled product with a concealer and a foundation will have two components, concealer will be one component and foundation will be the other. Each component will have specific ingredients associated with it.
Single Component Example: a cleanser will have one component to group it’s ingredients.
Another explanation:
A single component refers to a single product being sold alone, such as a Nourishing Shampoo or moisturizer. In the case of a single component, the product itself is that component.
A product will have multiple components when, for example, you are selling a set. In this example, we will use a set of one shampoo and one conditioner. The shampoo will be one individual component with its own ingredients and own ingredient group. The conditioner will be the second component with its own ingredients and own ingredient group.
What is an Ingredient Group?
An Ingredient Group allows you to organize your ingredients within a component.
Example: a sunscreen's ingredients will be organized by Active and Inactive Ingredient groups.
You can organize ingredients into the following groups:
- Active Ingredients
- Inactive Ingredients
- May Contain
- Complex
- Proprietary Blend
- Disclosed Fragrance
- Tool
Another explanation:
An Ingredient Group explains the role of a group of ingredients within a component.
Ingredient groups include: Inactive Ingredients, Active Ingredients, Complex, Disclosed Fragrance, May Contain, Proprietary Blend or Tool.
- Click on the “Add Component” button.
2. Input the component name, ingredient group and ingredients. In this example, the new component will be a Rose Quartz Roller.
Here I have entered, “Rose Quartz Roller” as the component name, selected the ingredient group “tool”, and added the ingredients (Rose Quartz, Gold). To learn more about ingredient groups, please click here: Ingredient Groups: Definitions
3. When all required information is entered, click the “Save” button. Your new component will appear at the bottom of your ingredients list. You can view the ingredient group and ingredients by clicking on the arrows to the left.
“May Contain” Ingredients
When adding ingredients to a component, make sure to look out for any "May Contains" ingredients, normally listed at the bottom of the product ingredient list. Ingredients associated with “May Contain”, should be listed in a separate “May Contain” ingredient group:
Editing A Component Name
- To edit a component name, simply click on the edit symbol to the right of the component name.
Editing Product Details and Attributes
At the top of the window, you will see a section labeled “Product Details”. This section includes the Product Title, UPC and MSRP.
*Please note that although you can edit the product title and MSRP (US$), once a product is saved initially, you cannot edit the UPC.
Editing Product Title
- To edit the Product Title, simply click in the Product Title box and input your edits.
- To save, click “Save Product Details”
Editing Product MSRP (US$)
The MSRP is the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price.
- To edit the Product MSRP, simply click in the MSRP box and input your edits.
Editing Product Attributes
At the top of the page, to the right of “Product Details” you will see a section labeled “Product Attributes”. Here is where you can edit any attributes pertaining to the product.
Remember not to confuse Product Attributes with Ingredient Attributes! Product Attributes describe the product, while ingredient attributes describe individual ingredients within the product.
- To edit a product attribute, simply click on the box located to the right of the attribute.
If there are any product attributes you would like to add for your product that are not listed in the “Product Attributes” section, please add this information to the “Additional Details” section.
If you would like to de- select any attributes, simply click on the green box to the right of the attribute. You will know it has been de- selected once the box becomes white.
To save, click the “Save Product Details” under the “Additional Details” box.
Please note: The user can go back at any time to edit the Additional Details by double clicking on the box.