Steps to Set Up Quickbooks Autopay

  1. Open the invoice sent from ClearForMe and locate the Autopay section. If you are not signed in, click the “Set up autopay” link in the red highlighted box below and continue with step 2. If you are already signed in, please jump straight to Step 5.
  2. Click on “Sign in to set up”
  3. If you already have an Intuit account, proceed to Sign In to your account and jump to Step 5. If not, please click “Create an account” and proceed to the next step to create an account.
  4. Create an account easily with an email, password, and phone number.
  5. Once you are signed in or signed up, you should be able to see the option to Turn on Monthly Autopay.
  6. Ensure all the details are filled, and the autopay checkbox is selected.
    Note: Autopay is only available for the full invoice amount. If any adjustments are made, the autopay option may disappear.
  7. Once everything looks correct, click the Autopay button. You’ll receive a confirmation email that autopay has been successfully set up.

You are now signed up for Autopay and ready to take advantage of ClearForMe's discount offer, beginning with the next invoice.