I Need To Change My Password

Change your password anytime!

When you first access the ClearForMe platform, you will receive an administrative password.

You are encouraged to change that password to one of your choice as soon as possible.

This is simple to complete!



1. Login to the ClearForMe platform.


2. Go to the menu item in the top right hand corner, by your brand name. 

  • This carrot will open the menu



3. Click, "Change Password".

change password


4. Enter your current password, when prompted here:

Screenshot 2024-04-01 104710

  • Click, "Confirm"


5. Enter your new password twice, when prompted here:

Screenshot 2024-04-01 105058

  • Be certain to follow the Password Requirements, outlined to the right.


6. Click, "Update", when ready.

  • You will be prompted to log out, see below:

Screenshot 2024-04-01 105224

7. Click, "Logout".


8. You will be redirected back to the ClearForMe platform login page, where you can login with your new password,


Have more questions? Email solutions@clearforme.com for additional support.